Fear is Real

We often fear the things outside of our experience – the unknown. In most cases, fear keeps us from dangerous situations. It is a good thing. The avoidance of driving on ice when the roads have not been cleared is a healthy fear.  

Fear is real. In some situations, fear is useful. In other situations, fear undermines the life God intends for us. I believe that this is why fear is mentioned over 400 times in the Bible. The phrase “fear not”, in one form or another, is used over 100 times. Fear can separate us from each other and from a full relationship with God. 

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When Our God is Too Small

The God who created us is bigger than anything we might face. I'm deeply convinced that the way we live is a consequence of the size of our God. The primary problem in our lives is we are not convinced that we are safe in the hands of a fully competent, all-knowing, ever-present, utterly loving, infinitely big God. When our God is too small, we pray without faith, worship without awe, serve without joy, and suffer without hope. The result is a life of stagnation and fear, a loss of vision, and an inability to persevere and see whatever we are facing to the end. 

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Making Stonebridge the Place to Serve

I'm thrilled with what's happening at Stonebridge United Methodist Church. During last fall's stewardship drive, we asked everyone to fill out a servant sheet for our ministries, aiming for full participation from everyone at our church. We offered 48 service opportunities through worship, discipleship, community outreach, care ministry, and special events. Most of the teams are already working to make our weekly ministries possible. Others will be working as special events take place in the future. 

Our work is not done. My vision is to make Stonebridge the place to serve and make a difference for Christ and the Church. I want to make sure that all our ministry teams have what they need to make Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE and have fun in their ministry area. 

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Heroes From Genesis

For the next five Sundays, we will be following the key characters of the Genesis saga. Each of these persons are known for their part in the beginning of the Hebrew nation of Israel. Their faith in the one God, Yahweh, sets the stage for the ultimate salvation event in Jesus Christ. 

As we follow the lives of these first leaders of the faith, we learn that there is nothing special about them. They were ordinary individuals who dared to put their whole trust in God. It is their faith that sets them apart. Each had their faults. Each was flawed. It was their faith and trust in God that set them apart.

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Habits for Living

A wise teacher was coming to the end of his life and gathered his brightest students around him for one last “class” on life. Each student could ask anything. No subject would be left untouched. 

The students were grieved at the thought of losing their teacher but wanted to gain as much as they could from their wise mentor and sage. They showered the teacher with questions about success, advancement, wealth, and accomplishment. They were so aggressive that they often interrupted each other. Finally, the teacher raised his hand for quiet and began to cry.

“No, no, my dear ones. Life is not about what we do, it is about how we live. To all your questions here is the answer.” 

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Everybody Can Be Great

we will look at the hands of Jesus as a metaphor for His leadership process. Hands provide a powerful symbol for the leadership of Jesus. The Bible is filled with vivid images of Jesus’ hands at work. With His hands, Jesus healed the sick, cleansed lepers, fed the hungry, overturned the tables of the money changers, washed the feet of His closest disciples, and hung from a cross to save sinful human beings. With His hands, Jesus rescued the fearful, reassured the doubting, restored the fallen, and beckoned the already occupied to a higher calling and a special personal relationship with Him. 

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Leadership Through Goal Setting

In our worship services during the month of January, we will be looking at the leadership of Jesus. This week’s sermon will focus on Romans 12:1-2 and Matthew 20:25-28. In preparation for Sunday’s sermon, I wanted to use this space to outline some specifics on taking the next steps in our lives. I recently read an article by Shawn Lovejoy from the Courage to Lead organization. The article reminded me of the principles that I teach and try to follow in my own life as I seek to lead like Jesus.

In the leadership of Jesus, He was disciplined and communicated clear goals.

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Christmas Eve Was Glorious!

Christmas Eve was glorious! Thank you to the host of volunteers who have made this Christmas season so special. Despite the rain, we had great attendance for our Christmas Eve candlelight services. The spirit was awesome throughout the building. Stonebridge United Methodist Church is a special place where all people are accepted with grace and love. As we approach the new year, please know that I continue to pray for you and your families. 

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A Christmas Blessing

Amy and I want to wish a special Christmas blessing for you and your families this day… 

"Loving Father, help us remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds and worship of the wise men. Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings and teach us to be merry with clear hearts. May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus' sake. Amen." (by Robert Louis Stevenson)

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I Love Christmas

I love Christmas! Christmas is the celebration of the greatest gift that has ever been given through the birth of Jesus. Christmas is not without stress. In many ways, it is a mad rush from Thanksgiving to Christmas. So much to do! Then suddenly on Christmas Eve, everything stops. There is a great silence that falls over our communities as we exchange gifts, share meals, and light our candles of faith. 

Christmas is a time of making space for the love of Christ; a time of poking holes in the darkness of this world with divine hope; and sharing the joy of giving ourselves to others as the Bethlehem child is given for us.  

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Tis the Season

It is not unusual for friends and church members to groan about the stress of this season. I have even heard my own voice question this season, “How can we celebrate when there is so much to do?” Celebrate indeed... in the most stressful time of year? How do we celebrate? 

Christmas is the “celebration” of the birth of our Lord –God in the flesh. Let us not let the excesses of our culture pervert this season. Let us focus on others instead of self. Let us celebrate the gift of Jesus. Let us celebrate what God’s love in Christ has done and is doing. The season of celebration and joy has come. Let us celebrate with gratitude for Christ has come!

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The Way of a Servant

This Thanksgiving, let’s focus on the way of a servant. What if we began the holiday season by thinking about living for others as well as taking advantage of the Black Friday deals? Today as I studied online deals, I was drawn to something Nelson Rockefeller once said; that wealth is measured more by what you give away than what you buy. Ella Wheeler Wilcox said that greatness is measured by one’s capacity for kindness. 

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Plentiful Harvest, Few Laborers

As I have been working on this scripture this week, verse 37 has jumped out to me… Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few…” I read it over and over. Where are the laborers? What work is Jesus asking us to do in his Kingdom? Are we ready? 

I believe that the Spirit of God is breaking out all around. The life-changing loving power of God is within our reach. It is ours to share with a world that is crying out for help. 

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Thank You, Veterans!

November 11th is a special day in the life of our beloved country. For the past 105 years, we have taken this day to remember and give thanks for those who have served our country. I am sincerely grateful for your service and sacrifice. Thank you for your service! I'm certain it comes with many sacrifices. Words are not enough to express the gratitude I hold in my heart for our veterans. 

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Grounded in Grace

As we remember our past, we must admit that we are grounded in grace because of the saints and believers who have helped us grow in faith. Somewhere along the line, parents, grandparents, family members, pastors, teachers, and friends helped us understand grace. They helped us to know that God loves us unconditionally. We worship the one God of all because someone enabled us to realize that there is nothing we can do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us less. God simply loves us.

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Unstoppable – I’m ALL IN!

The annual stewardship campaign slogan this year is "Unstoppable – I’m ALL IN!". In this campaign, we are emphasizing not only financial estimates of giving for 2025 but also our service to the church. During the Summer Listening Tour, I heard again and again the passion among our faithful tribe to be in service to the church. BUT… people were unsure HOW to get involved. So, this campaign will not only be asking everyone to make a financial estimate for 2025 but also to note what their service passion is for Stonebridge. Our goal is to have 100% of our active members serving in ministry to Christ and His Church. Let’s make Stonebridge UMC Unstoppable for Christ. 

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