Being a Conduit of the Holy Spirit
/“A member of your church invited me to come to worship at Stonebridge. I had told my kids before service....let's try some churches. And find our home. Pastor John....when we left today two things were said by my kiddos.... "When can we come again?!!!" and "mom, please don't take us other places. Can we please come back here?" And personally for me....your message today felt like it was written directly for my ears to hear. I had goosebumps during your sermon. I have been that person you talked about for a long, long time... "I can connect with God outside of church. I don't need the church". Etc! I am fired up Pastor John. And it all brings me back to that plan... Things happen for a reason. Someone gave me that nudge last night at 11:30... The Holy Spirit maybe?!!!”
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