Holiday Classics: How The Grinch Stole Christmas - The Bridge 12/4/2016

"Holiday TV Classics - How The Grinch Stole Christmas " John 10:7-10  Rev. Courtney Schultz encourages us to look at how we can take a better look at the holiday season and what the meaning really is about. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Holiday Classics: Happy Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown - The Bridge 11/27/2016

"Holiday TV Classics - Happy Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown" 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 Rev. Courtney Schultz encourages us to look at opportunities daily to become a better Christian. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Holiday Classics: Happy Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown - Celebration 11/27/2016

"Holiday Classics: Happy Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown" 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22 Rev. Holly Bandel talks about our expectations for the holidays and offers ways to be in tune with the true spirit of the season. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Relational Health - The Bridge 11/20/2016

"Get Well Soon: Relational Health" John 15:9-17 Rev. Courtney Schultz discusses relational health and challenges us to look at our relationships as a way of being a window to God's love for the world. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Relational Health - Celebration 11/20/2016

"Get Well Soon: Relational Health" John 15:9-17 Rev. John McLarty addresses the issue of relational health as we prepare to gather with extended family for the Thanksgiving holiday. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Emotional Health - Celebration and The Bridge 11/13/2016

"Get Well Soon: Emotional Health" Psalm 13: 1-6 Rev. John McLarty raises concern for the too often ignored problem of emotional health and offers encouragement and first steps for dealing with emotional struggles. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Financial Health - Celebration 11/06/2016

"Get Well Soon: Financial Health" 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Rev. John McLarty talks about our financial health as a symptom of strong or weak spiritual health and challenges us to give regularly for the joy it can bring. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Night of Worship - The Bridge 10-30-2016

"Dreaming Like ZOE" Philippians 2:1-11 Rev. Courtney Schultz talks about dreamers in Biblical and recent history and challenges us to dream about how we can help make the world a better place. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Spiritual Health - Celebration 10-30-2016

"Get Well Soon: Spiritual Health" 1 Timothy 4:6-7 Rev. John McLarty talks about spiritual health as the foundation for our lives and offers suggestions on how to grow in our spiritual health. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Physical Health 10-23-2016

"Get Well Soon: Physical Health" Mark 6:53-56 Rev. Courtney Schultz kicks off our new sermon series by demonstrating the correlation between our physical health and the spiritual and relational aspects of our lives. (Please mind the disconnected message presented in that later half of this podcast, there was a medical emergency during our message) Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Get Well Soon: Physical Health - Celebration 10/23/2016

"Get Well Soon: Physical Health" Mark 6:53-56 Rev. John McLarty kicks off our new sermon series by demonstrating the correlation between our physical health and the spiritual and relational aspects of our lives. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Love Your Neighbor As You Do Yourself - Celebration 10-16-2016

"Love Your Neighbor As You Do yourself" Acts 17:16-34 Rev. Mike Baughman shares stories from the coffeehouse ministry where he serves and challenges us to find the divine spark in others. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Prosperity Pitfalls - The Bridge 10-09-2016

"Prosperity Pitfalls" Deuteronomy 6;10-15 Rev. Courtney Schultz continues our series "Old Testament Law: Pointless or Powerful" by warning us of the pitfalls that lurk when things appear to be going well. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Belonging in Love to Each Other - Celebration 10-09-2016

"Belonging in Love to Each Other" 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Rev. Edgar Bazan continues our series "Knowing and Loving Your Neighbor" by challenging us to get past the labels and recognize God's gift of Christ for all people. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

What is the Point? - The Bridge 10-02-2016

"What is the Point?" Rev. Courtney Schultz continues our series, "Old Testament Law: Pointless or Powerful?" by discussing why Moses gave God's laws to the chosen people before they could pass into the promised land. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Am I My Brother's Keeper? - Celebration 10-02-2016

"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" Rev. Dr. Sheron Patterson shares her unique perspective on race relations in our country and challenges us to not avoid the difficult conversations necessary for positive change. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit

Knowing and Loving Your Neighbor - Celebration Service 09-25-2016

"Knowing and Loving Your Neighbor" John 4:19-26 Guest pastor Rev. Jonathan Grace shares stories of getting know the true stories of our homeless neighbors and challenges us to reach out to those who we tend to marginalize. Recorded live at Stonebridge United Methodist Church in McKinney, Texas. For more information, including service times, please visit