Pastor Jana’s Upcoming Sabbatical

It was announced in worship on Sunday, September 22 that Pastor Jana will be taking renewal leave beginning Monday, October 14.

The Staff-Parish Relations Team and the Leadership Board would like to share that Pastor Jana has requested and been approved for renewal leave beginning October 14.

In general, the role of a pastor is one of the most challenging and stressful jobs out there. And while there is much joy in ministering to people in a local church, there is much challenge as well. The concepts of rest and renewal are foundational to healthy pastors and congregations. The very idea of sabbatical time is God’s idea and comes from the word Shabbat, or sabbath. “Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest.” (Exodus 34:21) Sabbatical/renewal leaves offer pastors a change of pace, a chance to slow their activity, and rest long enough to be strengthened and healed.

The United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline allows clergy to request up to 6 months of renewal leave upon holding a full-time appointment for at least 6 years. While it is indeed paid time off, it is not considered vacation time. They are two separate things. Renewal leaves are part of the United Methodist Church’s rhythm of care and nurture for their clergy.

Pastor Jana entered full-time vocational ministry in 2003 and has served three congregations within the North Texas Conference. She has served at Stonebridge since 2014. Pastor Jana says:

“My 10 years at Stonebridge have been a tremendous time of growth, learning, and blessing in my journey of pastoral ministry. I am so grateful to serve a congregation that offers me constant support, encouragement, and affirmation. The time has not been without its challenges, though. Numerous pastoral/staff transitions, financial ups and downs, and a global pandemic, to name a few. To be at my best – for myself and the church – I have requested time away to rest, refocus, and reset. Healthy churches must have healthy pastors. I believe that this time will give me renewed health and energy for my next season of ministry.”

Pastor Jana will begin renewal leave on October 14 and be away for 8 weeks. She will return on December 3 and be present through December to participate in Advent/Christmas worship and events. Her leave will resume on December 30. She will return on February 3.

During this time of rest, Pastor Jana will be out of the office and unavailable. There will be plans in place to ensure that her responsibilities are covered in her absence. We have an incredibly capable staff and wonderful volunteers. Pastor John will communicate with Pastor Jana as needed under certain circumstances, but we ask for the congregation’s support in refraining from calls, e-mails, and texts while she is out.

Members of the Staff-Parish Relations Team are available if you have any questions regarding this leave. We will be praying for Pastor Jana that she can recharge her body, mind, and spirit while she is out on leave.

Grace and Peace,

Staff-Parish Relations Team

Sandy Tutwiler

Doug Darby

Pam Wilson