Who will be the Ruthie Taylor for Stonebridge UMC?

Dear Friends in Christ,

One of my favorite stories is the story of Ruthie Taylor. For seventy-one years, she belonged to a small Presbyterian church in South Carolina. Ruthie was known all over town for her love of the church. Every Sunday for fifty years she would invite and bring someone to church. That was her mission in life.  Of course, there were some Sundays when no one would attend with her, but it was not without effort. She would invite family, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances from her husband’s grocery store. Most Sundays she was successful in her efforts and you could find Ruthie and her guest sitting together in her usual pew.

On the Sunday following the day she died, the minister of that little church did a great thing. As he announced her passing, he asked everyone in the service that morning that had come to the church for the first time with Ruthie to please stand. All but eighteen people in that service stood!!!

All but eighteen of those 120 in attendance stood. Many had their lives profoundly changed by the church. All because Ruthie called them up and said, “How about going to church with me tomorrow? I’ll be happy to come by and pick you up.”

Will you make inviting someone to worship your mission for Christ? Will you?

Join me in trying at least one of the following to make Stonebridge UMC the most joyous place on earth.

  1. Every person can put their Christian faith in action by reaching out to at least three people each Sunday. You could be their last hope.

  2. Every person can offer a handshake and a warm hello to every person who comes within five feet of you on Sunday. Remember to love them as Christ has loved you.

  3. If you meet someone new offer to introduce them to our pastor. If time is pressing you, introduce them to someone that can spend some time with them.

  4. If appropriate, invite them to lunch. Let them know you care in some tangible, concrete manner.

Who will be the Ruthie Taylor for Stonebridge UMC? It’s such a simple thing to do: to invite someone and offer to pick him or her up for Sunday worship.  It is such a small thing to reach outside your friendship circle on Sunday mornings to notice that person who is standing or sitting alone. It is such a small thing to reach out to someone in the name of Jesus Christ. It will make a far greater difference than most of us would ever know. 

Look around on Sunday morning. Notice the joy and family that is Stonebridge UMC. Are we perfect in our ministry? Do we still have much to do? Are we where we want to be for Christ both personally and as a church? 

I think we all know the answers to these questions. But let’s focus on what is right, good, and exciting. Let us celebrate the energy and enthusiasm that is building for Christ. Let us focus on the Sunday school and Bible studies, the prayer emphasis, the worship that is calling us to a deeper relationship with Christ. These are the celebrations that we often miss.

Every week, I hear a story of how God is changing a life and making a difference. Every week I hear of great need and deep questions of faith and life. Every week there is reason to be here and share the experience of what God is doing among us. 

Who will be the Ruthie Taylor for Stonebridge UMC this Sunday?
Will it be you?

Pastor John Allen