Lift High the Cross of Christ

Dear Friends in Christ,

It has been such a blessing preaching and teaching on prayer these last few Sundays. Each week, I hear another story of how God is speaking to individuals and blessing them through prayer. Keep it up. God is blessing and moving at Stonebridge UMC. 

Last evening as Amy and I prayer walked the Stonebridge UMC property, God gave me a vision. We were on the northeast corner of the property, and I looked toward Celebration Hall where the cross of Christ rises dramatically above the building. I was praying for our worship services. Praying that God would bring just the right people at just the right time to be touched by the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, the sun broke from behind a cloud and lit up the cross like a beacon. It was incredible! These words from a hymn came to mind, “Lift high the cross, the cross of Christ proclaim, till all the world adore His sacred name.”

This was God's message for me. Lift high the cross of Christ. Let the presence of Christ prevail in everything we do. Believe that through our Lord Jesus Christ, a new vitality and community will be born at Stonebridge UMC. I went to the scriptures. The words were there in John 12:32, “Jesus said, ‘And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to me.’” 

Will you join me in lifting the cross of Christ at Stonebridge UMC so that all will experience the grace, love, and peace of Christ when they walk through our doors? Let this be our prayer, “Show us Lord who needs your cross of love. Show us how to lift high your name so that all will hear. Give us the strength to lift high your cross of hope for all to see.”

I look forward to seeing you on Sunday when we will continue our series on prayer. This week’s sermon is called “Pray Hard: Persistence Quotient”. We will look at Luke 18:1-5, the parable of the persistent widow. This parable is one of the most interesting pictures of prayer in Scripture. The widow will not stop bugging this judge. It shows us what praying hard looks like: knocking until your knuckles are raw, crying out until your voice is lost, pleading until your tears run dry. Praying hard is praying through the tough times. And if you pray through these times, God will come through. 

We will intentionally look at ways to pray that will enrich our spiritual lives. 

Invite someone to worship. They will be glad you did.

Pastor John Allen