Beginning Our Journey Through the Beatitudes

This Sunday we begin our journey through the Beatitudes. Close examination of these verses reveals a six-step process of becoming a disciple of Jesus. This Sunday we begin with step one by looking at the first two “blessings”. Blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. These first two Beatitudes are about admitting our need for God, letting go of our pride and self-importance. The journey as a disciple begins when we admit our need for God and grieve the self-made mess we have made. Only then can God begin to do God’s work of forgiving our past and showing us the future God has prepared for us. 

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Let Us Celebrate

Christmas is the “celebration” of the birth of our Lord –God in the flesh. Let us not let the excesses of our culture pervert this season. Let us focus on others instead of self. Let us celebrate the gift of Jesus. Let us celebrate what God’s love in Christ has done and is doing. The season of celebration and joy has come. Let us celebrate with gratitude for the Christ has come! Let us sing the songs of Jesus' birth, hear the story told again, and see what God can do through us as the body of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Hearing God This Advent Season

I pray that when the voice of God’s Word visits us, we will be ready to hear. We will take the time to open our ears and eyes to what God has for us. We will slow down and wait with anticipation knowing that our Lord is near and has a Word for us. 

Join us in worship these next few Sundays, and let’s see what God has for us. Let us do all in our power not to let work, school, schedules, distractions, or whatever stand in the way of what God has for us. I believe that God is waiting to bless each of us. God is waiting for the open heart to speak a new word of Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace this season. 

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A Challenge and Prayer for Thanksgiving

While Thanksgiving should be a time of truly counting our blessings, it has become a time of overeating on Thursday and overspending on Friday. This year let’s start a counterculture of truly making Thanksgiving a time to remember our blessings and show gratitude to others. This Thanksgiving let’s give away to those who are hungry as much as we spend on the meal we will consume. On “black” Friday, the biggest retail day of the year, let’s stay home. Or if the “SALE” is just too tempting, make an offering on Sunday matching what we spend on Friday. 

As we approach Christmas, let’s remember it’s not our birthday, it’s Jesus’ birthday. Several years ago, Adam Hamilton challenged his congregation to match every dollar spent on our Christmas gifts, parties, and vacations, with a gift of equal proportion to the work of Christ through the church. Wow! Do you think we could do that? 

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The Growth of Gratitude

I believe that Paul’s secret to joy amid hardship is found in the prayer of encouragement that he prays for the church in Philippians 1:9-11. Gratitude grows out of receiving and sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ. As Paul was transformed from an embittered persecutor of Christians to a joyous and gracious example for Jesus Christ, so can we.

We are a light for Jesus Christ. Let it shine. People may have missed us before, but now we will again be a light for Jesus Christ at 1800 Stonebridge Drive. 

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Inspirational Giving

In 1 Chronicles 29, the prophet Ezra writes about the method King David uses to raise the funds for the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. Ezra writes that David revealed in detail what he was willing to give to the building of the Temple. It was an extravagant offering. By making his commitment public David inspired the leadership and then the people to a level of generosity never before seen in Israel. 

This passage has often haunted me. Does God want me, as the pastoral leader of this congregation, to share in detail my financial commitment to the work of Stonebridge United Methodist Church? This year, God is challenging Amy and me to take a huge step in faith in our giving, to step forward as leaders in the work of Stonebridge UMC. 

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Faith Without Works is Dead

We are the church because of the host of saints who have gone before us. We stand on their shoulders as followers of Jesus. I will be preaching this Sunday on James 2:14-20 and Romans 12:1. These passages lead us to consider the difference between faith (our acceptance of and salvation through Christ) and action (living as a disciple of Christ). James goes so far as to say, “faith without works is dead”. These are hard words for us.

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Mediocrity is the Opposite of Power

Mediocrity is the opposite of power. We fall into the trap of thinking partial effort — 80% if necessary, 50% when we can get away with it — is good enough. 

We see this all too often in our faith lives. Following Christ can be a challenge.  Faithful worship, being active in prayer, studying the Bible, and serving as a member of the body of Christ all take time in a time-pressure culture. “How much is enough?” some might ask. 

For me, I do not think it is possible to be a growing and serving disciple of Jesus Christ without weekly worship, weekly participation in a small group, and a daily prayer life. Anything less will compromise our connection to our Lord.

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Who will be the Ruthie Taylor for Stonebridge UMC?

For seventy-one years, Ruthie Taylor belonged to a small Presbyterian church in South Carolina. Ruthie was known all over town for her love of the church. Every Sunday for fifty years she would invite and bring someone to church. That was her mission in life. 

On the Sunday following the day she died, the minister of that little church did a great thing. As he announced her passing, he asked everyone in the service that morning that had come to the church for the first time with Ruthie to please stand. All but eighteen out of the 120 people in that service stood!!!

Who will be the Ruthie Taylor for Stonebridge UMC this Sunday?
Will it be you?

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Lift High the Cross of Christ

Last evening as Amy and I prayer walked the Stonebridge UMC property, God gave me a vision. We were on the northeast corner of the property, and I looked toward Celebration Hall where the cross of Christ rises dramatically above the building. I was praying for our worship services. Praying that God would bring just the right people at just the right time to be touched by the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, the sun broke from behind a cloud and lit up the cross like a beacon. It was incredible! These words from a hymn came to mind, “Lift high the cross, the cross of Christ proclaim, till all the world adore His sacred name.”

This was God's message for me. Lift high the cross of Christ. Let the presence of Christ prevail in everything we do. Believe that through our Lord Jesus Christ, a new vitality and community will be born at Stonebridge UMC. I went to the scriptures. The words were there in John 12:32, “Jesus said, ‘And when I am lifted up on the cross, I will draw everyone to me.’” 

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Is There Any Limit to God’s Power?

Why do we spend so much time on issues that are destructive to our work together when there is so much good happening?  I am not sure I can answer that question.  But the next time I hear someone knocking the church or our nation, I am going to let them know about the massive work that is being done by the United Methodist Church. Instead of joining in the debate, let’s get to work and work together to make our community, our nation, and our world more like the Kingdom of God that Christ has called us to build. 

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Let Us Shout From Every Rooftop

The Spirit is moving at Stonebridge UMC. Our attendance continues to grow as people are returning to worship and new people are filling the seats. Our youth group has more than doubled in attendance. Each Sunday, we are blessed by new children joining our ministries. The energy is fueling our missions as we collected 92 Harvest Boxes for Meals on Wheels. (Our goal was 20). 

Let’s not keep Stonebridge UMC a secret anymore. Let us shout from every rooftop that God is moving and working in people’s lives. Now is the time to let your friends know, something special is happening at Stonebridge UMC. Just say the words, “Come and see.” 

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God is Moving and Working at Stonebridge UMC

God is moving and working at Stonebridge UMC. We are building momentum as people are returning to worship and responding to the call to service and spiritual growth. Now is the time to invite friends and family to worship. Spread the good word, challenge yourself and others to reconnect with the church, and let’s see what God can do among us!

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Great Things are Happening

School is back. Football season is just around the corner. The weather is still hot, but the cool days of fall are just a few weeks away. Hallelujah! 

The good news is that these hot August days have not cooled our attendance and energy in worship. Each week the energy and attendance have been growing and building. For three weeks in a row, we have had more in worship than any Sunday (other than Easter) this year. People are returning to worship, and new individuals and families are coming each Sunday. Most exciting is that our children’s ministry has more than doubled in the past month. Hallelujah!

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