The Church That Offers New Life

At Stonebridge UMC we are the church that empowers others by preaching and living Christ’s love and forgiveness instead of judging and condemning. We are the church that meets people where they are in a world of contradictions, to let them know how much God loves them. We are the church where we can discuss the most difficult issues and still love each other. We are the church who is constantly applying the holy and sacred Bible in such a way that speaks to the 21st century. 

We are the church that offers new life… through hope, love, acceptance and seeing the world in new and transforming ways. We are the church that is bringing people into a positive, life giving relationship with Jesus Christ. 

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An Emphasis on Prayer

For the next six weeks we are going to look at the practice of prayer. We will use the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 as a guide. The prayers of Jesus were not “hit and run” prayers when things got tough. Jesus prayed at all times in all places. There was power in the prayers of Jesus. Luke 11:1 records the disciples asking Jesus, “Lord teach us to pray.”

Prayer is a major emphasis in the New Testament. There are over 370 references to some form of the word pray or prayer. Not only do we see Jesus praying with power, but prayer is a major emphasis for the early church writings.

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What's Next in Making Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE?

In May, we had our first of seven “Listening Tour” home meetings. Our theme was Making Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE. All the meetings were well attended. The energy was high. After the first three home meetings, momentum started to build around improvements to the landscaping. Money quickly started to come in, and volunteers responded to the call to get this done. The theme of Making Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE has begun to catch people’s imagination. I have had several people ask me, “What’s next?” 

Ok… here it comes!

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Optimism Abounds

School has begun again, and we all know what that means. It’s football season. The Cowboys have played their first preseason game and soon the high schools and colleges will begin their seasons. I am ready. I am excited. The fuel for my excitement is that it looks like my school, SMU, is going to have a good team. Of course, the truth is that every team looks good in the weeks leading up to their first game. Optimism abounds. Then reality sets in and the hype begins to die.  But until then, SMU is undefeated!

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Making Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE

We have finished the last home meeting of the Summer Listening Tour – Making Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE. It has been an incredible run of seven meetings over the past seven weeks. I have collected well over 200 cards with your expectations, dreams, and ideas on how to make Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE. My plan is to take the discussion notes and cards from these gatherings and put together a report of the major themes with a recommendation of a strategy to address the future of Stonebridge to make our church UNSTOPPABLE. 

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Celebrating Our Freedom

Despite the rise of divisive ideologies, our nation is still the beacon of hope and freedom for the world. As such, we still worship without fear of persecution like much of the world sees. So let us give thanks for the blessings that God continues to offer his people. Let us not take for granted the opportunity to celebrate and worship our Lord. Let us make this time of celebrating our freedom a time for celebrating our freedom to believe and the unity of the Holy Spirit.

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An Exciting June

June has been an exciting month for Stonebridge UMC. VBS energized our building with a host of children. Last Sunday we commissioned one of the largest groups of youth in the past few years for their mission trip to serve the helping agency UM Army. The Summer Listening Tour – Making Stonebridge UNSTOPPABLE has been outstanding with great participation and a host of ideas to consider. And… this month we received another 8 members into our church family. 

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Vacation Bible School Week

This is Vacation Bible School week. I love VBS. It is a time to connect with children and share the love of God through Jesus Christ with children who are eager to learn more about Jesus. 

I hope you have been able to visit our Facebook page and see the pictures. The Spirit of God has been moving through the hallways, worship areas, and classrooms. The kids are having fun, learning Bible stories, laughing, making snacks and crafts. 

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This is an Amazing Church

This week our building has been teeming with volunteers decorating for Vacation Bible School. The upstairs area has been transformed into an underwater wonder. This weekend the rest of the decorations will go up in the worship areas and downstairs to finalize preparation for VBS.

This is an amazing church. When we need volunteers, workers, and servants, the response is outstanding. We have over 50 volunteers for VBS. Great job! Keep it up! We can always use more. If you want to show up even for one morning, please do. I promise, it will be fun!

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Looking Forward to the Future

As we look at our world what would Jesus say? Jesus would give us the same assurance he gave his disciples on the night before his suffering. He taught his disciples many things about the power that was coming to them. Then Jesus said, “I have said this to you so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution, but take courage: I have conquered the world!” (John 16:33)

We have hope in Christ. We have the assurance of our Savior. For this reason, I look forward to the future with great, undying hope in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

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God is Moving!

God continues to bless Stonebridge UMC with new vitality and opportunities to reach people. At the car show, I had several people, when they noticed my pastor name tag, ask me about the church. I probably gushed too much about how great things are, but I can’t help it. I love this church and the people in this church. Sunday, one of my mentors came to worship. I greeted him before the worship service and asked him what brought him to Stonebridge UMC. He said, “Are you kidding me, everyone is talking about Stonebridge. I had to come see what all the buzz is about.”

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Summer Listening Sessions

I want to invite you to a series of Summer Listening Sessions to discuss and dream about our future. Can we make Stonebridge UMC an exemplary church for others to follow? Do you believe that God is alive in our midst and calling us to work together to achieve more – to bring more souls to Christ? I believe God is calling us to such as part of the high and holy task of being a Kingdom Church. 

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A Vision Comes True

This week I received this from our children’s director, Molly Gardner... 

“It was a fantastic Sunday for Children’s Ministries, not only in numbers, but also in learning and fun. I could share many remarks from the kids today that got me so excited about the direction we are going! From kiddos bursting into the church excitedly asking, “Miss Molly, what are we doing in Kid’s Church this week????”, to “I didn’t think church could be this fun!”, I could go on and on. Super exciting for our kids! And they’re learning so much. Thank you for this opportunity!”

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A Grand Vision

If you have seen the movie, “The Boys in the Boat”, you know the incredible power of getting everyone in the same boat rowing together. Can we do this? Can we make Stonebridge UMC an exemplary church for others to follow? Do you believe that God is alive in our midst and calling us to work together to achieve more – to bring more souls to Christ? I believe the answer to each of these questions is yes

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Training Your Brain with Positivity

In the sermon on the mount, Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). As the gospels tell the story of Jesus, we find the Savior and Lord encouraging and building-up his followers. The Kingdom of God is defined not by the measure of our success but rather by the measure of our devotion to God. Putting ourselves at the disposal of our Lord to be blessed in order to be a blessing. Happiness or life satisfaction is therefore not defined by our measure of success but rather the measure of our relationship with our Lord. The divine relationship exposes the unique, creative, person we are born to be. 

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